Saturday, April 8, 2023

Turkey Dinner

 Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my Dad's death, and it also happens to be Easter Sunday. As Dad loved turkey dinners and get-togethers with family, we will be having an Easter turkey dinner tomorrow with my sister's family, me and hubby, and Mom.

Dad was quite religious, interestingly enough. His parents didn't go to church but sent their kids to all the different churches in Terrace, where they grew up. After my Mom had her 'nervous breakdown', my Dad would take us to church in Rossland - to give her some time alone. He ended up being very involved in the Sunday School and as the treasurer. We even had Easter morning services here at the farm, and sunday School picnincs. I remember asking him, when I was older, why he believed in God since he was a scientist. Dad said that many scientists believe in God because of the amazing way that the earth is laid out, and the impossibilities of it. I was impressed and it helped me accept religion as not so far-fetched or a swindle afterall.

Mom is finding it a bit hard right now, regretting how she was so overwhelmed towards the end of Dad's life and feeling guilty about how relieved she was to have someone come and take over a lot of Dad's social time and how much she is enjoying her time now. I feel bad for her - its totally normal when your partner has dementia and requires basic care 24/7. 

I am swinging between hopefulness and worriness re: Mom's old age. Hopeful that her Mild Cognitive Impairment will stay where it is for a long time and maybe even never progress to dementia, and worried that her dementia will be much different than Dad's if she gets it. She seems to be way more active and worried and suspicious and angry - more like alzheimers I guess. Hoping I can deal with it, taking lots of courses. Also a bit worried about hubby and I - our dementia years are coming. 

Mortality is slapping us upside the head now. Although we had a laugh the other day. His Mom and Dad went on one of their casino bus trips. His Mom came back from the states with cabbage that was cheap. I told hubby that I am so glad that we are not the type to be so excited about cheap cabbage - we spend all our money on restaurants and craft distilleries, and enjoying lakes/camping and drives/exploring. I appreciate cheap cabbage but we love to live our life. It will be a good thing if we don't live long - we will have no money for that. Our kids know they will not be inheriting much.