Sunday, August 4, 2013


My merry-go-round is spinning too fast at the moment.

Still lovely music, sparkly lights, beautiful horses - just way too fast. I feel like I'm going to fall off soon.

I'm working on changing things up, letting things go, asking for more help.

Of course, at the same time, I have added a few new things. So there is a lot less sleep happening. And I'm off my med's. No side effects yet, thank goodness.

I went off them to get rid of the need to sleep constantly, always being tired no matter how much I slept. That is much improved. Unfortunately, its so much improved that now I can stay up late and wake up early to get things done.

Balance. I need to move from the merry-go-round to the the trapeze artists' tent. Learn to juggle while walking the tightrope.

However, life does not wait while you learn to balance. So I will sneak into the tent whenever I get a chance.

Like today. Home sick. A chance to peek into the tent and see what it could be like if I just learned to balance.

I think I will go have a bath. with bubbles. and learn to balance one thing. just one.

and then go back to the merry-go-round. (We are picking up another pet bunny in 2 hours. so now we have 7 pets again.)

hang on tight!