Monday, July 15, 2013

Small friends

Our little finch has injured her wing. I thought it was broken, with the bone sticking out. Which means that it won't heal. When we finally got in to see the vet, 2 days later, the bone wasn't out tho, so now it can heal.

So, I am giving Kizzie .02 ml of antibiotic once a day by mouth (beak?), and .02 ml of pain killer twice a day by mouth. She is NOT impressed! She is so lively, I wouldn't even have noticed the wing if it wasn't for the flopping down to the cage floor to eat, before she gets back up to the perches. (She is being kept in a small box right now to help keep her less mobile.)

I have to take her to a special sitter this weekend while we are away, so they can give her the medicine.

The things we do for family, hmmm?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

cracks in the wall

oh my, what a spring.

for some reason, I had been soooooo sad.

I think maybe too much exposure to sickness and death and disaster - from facebook, of all things. I don't watch TV because of that, and I don't read much in the news. But facebook was supposed to be a safe place for me, and lately its not.

And a lot happened - shootings, floods, drownings, bombings - many of which I had personal connections to. and thinking of jenna all the time - who, by the way, is doing well.

then pascha totally messed me up, being all about death, and I heard the services with the mother's viewpoint of losing her son for the first time.

I really have to live in my own little world, or its just too much for me.

I feel better now. finally.

I will finish the jenna project when i can, finding photos for the days i missed. it will take longer, but it will still be done.

a little funny to lighten the mood - i bought a children's cd for the truck, for my daycare babies. one of the songs is johnny cracked corn. my middle daughter asked incredulously, "johnny crapped corn?!". That prompted a long discussion on what cracked corn is. But now none of us can listen to that song without cracking up, lol!