Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Night

Not what it used to mean when I was younger! Now it means I can putter around, getting things done uninterrupted while everyone veg's.

Friday was Jenna's funny day, she makes us laugh so hard.

And today is Girl's Day, to just enjoy hanging out on Easter. The pussy willows are out, the birds are noisy, and spring is here.

We went for an Easter egg hunt yesterday at a friend's, but it was too snowy and cold, so they had it inside. Today, just up the hill from them, it was 19 degrees and the kids were running around shirtless. Spring weather, go figure. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Jenna: Wednesday is Joie de Vivre - for the silly, exuberant stuff you do!

Thursday is talent day - because you are. Talented, I mean. And biking is one of your passions.

Our update: The basement reno is done, now to put it all back together. Hoo-boy. My daycare licensing will finally be complete by the end of April (I hope, I hope - fingers crossed!). Hubby has settled down again, after a bit of anxiety re: will this job end?! and is enjoying the job once again. He does love to drive, although the hours get him down. Driving 14 hours on 6 hours of sleep is hard to do for 6 days! Boy has been sick for a week, but not terribly - just enough to make him listless and cranky. We are off to visit my Mom and Dad on their farm for Easter- next update from there!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Today is friendly day. When we moved to this area, Jenna was our first friend. Everyone knows her, she flashes her smile and talks to anyone she meets.

Monday, March 25, 2013

4 for 1

oops, this is going to be a bit longer!

Friday - fun day! This month is the festival of Holi in India, where everyone throws colored powder and water at each other. The best water fight ever!

Saturday - just being a girl day. My big girl and Jenna had a thing about my little pony, and now everyone I know is into it - even the boys. go figure.

Sunday - prayer day. We think of you always, Jenna!

Monday - sick day. My little guy worries about her being sick, comparing it to what he knows - the lying in bed feeling bored and miserable. that about sums it up, just add in a large pinch of stress.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Thursday is talent day (unless I change it, LOL) and Jenna has some serious artistic talent. She went through a dragon drawing phase, so here is something to remember that . . . it's not her artwork, but it makes us think of her. :)

Update on us:

Hubby has switched jobs again. He needed a class 1 course, and took it here in the Kootenay's. He found a job here, hauling groceries, the next day. It's nice to have him home.

Big girl is having lots of problems with school work - we are going to have to do something about it. Checking into testing for dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Expensive, but necessary, I think?

Little girl is doing great, much less active this year though.

Little boy is struggling with school work as well, we are having him tested too. 

I have been working at home with my in-home daycare, and am just about to expand. Have had to turn the house upside down to accommodate both the daycare and hubby's night shift job, but amazingly, it seems to be working out.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday - Joie de Vivre

Thinking that Wednesday will change from pushing limits to joie de vivre, the exultation of spirit. I think that better describes Jenna's amazing exuberance. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 2

okay, working on the project . . . thinking that Mondays will be sick day photos, since Jenna was diagnosed on Monday, August 13. Sundays could be prayer days. Tuesdays could be friendly days, since she is the friendliest person we have ever met. Wednesday could be pushing the limit day, since she lives life to the fullest. Friday could be fun day - she is so fun to be around, and is very funny. I think thursday could be talent day - she is an awesome artist, among other things. Saturday could be girls day - since she is just a lovable teenage girl, when you come down to it. may change the days around, we'll see.

So, a friendly photo. hmmmmmm . . .

Monday, March 18, 2013

Something for Jenna

Well, it's been awhile. Updates to follow . . .

Today though, I am working out a project. My teen's friend has been fighting a nasty leukemia since July. Jenna had a bone marrow transplant in December, and was coming home in a couple of weeks. And now she is back to square one, with another long long battle ahead of her.

We all feel so helpless, hours away and unable to help. So I am going to start a project. Just my own little thing, but a way to show that I think of her every day.

I am going to post a photo every day on this blog, things that remind us of her. I have yet to work out all the details, but maybe tomorrow. When I am done, I will make a collage with all of the photo's - you know those awesome pictures that look like something, and then you look close and it is made up of thousands of little photo's? That's what I will do. Probably backwards - probably should have an idea of the picture, and find photos to fit, but what the hey.

This is Jenna, just before she went into the hospital last summer.