Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer is here, finally

Boy, what a wet and cold spring we had. One of the creeks that run through town flooded because of the late and large snowpack melting, flooding 10 houses, and causing a mudslide. Luckily the other creeks, including the one behind our house, are fine.

The garden is in. well, half of it, anyway. the big pile of sticks is still there, so only one half is garden. I have tomatoes (which are not doing well), beans (doing great. 2 types with red or mauve flowers making a tipi), strawberries, herbs for my hubby, raspberries, blueberries, and flowers. First garden in a long time. I put in some flat rocks to make a hap-hazard path, and the kids are out there all the time playing with their toys. Beautiful.

Hubby is having a very hard time at work. So unhappy and stressed out. Talks about ending it all a lot. Before it was just walking away from everything (including us). Now its past that. We are hoping that things change in the fall, and I'm pushing for him to change companies. If things don't change, I will have to push hard for him to find something else, no matter how it affects our finances. I hate pushing, and he HATES being pushed. Should be interesting!

Kids are well, pets are well. I have started my daycare, am loving it like crazy. Hope against hope that it all works out, sometimes it doesn't. But I am in a good space right now, very happy and content.