Monday, August 8, 2011


Just read that Ivy girl is getting her wish. . . woo-hoo! so happy for you, and your family!

Here's my little girl - getting too big to call the little girl anymore!

We are enjoying the summer sun - it finally showed itself, after 2 months of rain. We are staying with family, and playing with cousins.

We have finally gotten Christopher's marker. Come with us to see - we walk down the hill, past my mom and dad's barn . . .

. . . the 2 littlest girls of the herd of 10 goats . . .

then we walk along the path to the cemetery . . .

. . . and here are Nana and Christopher, keeping each other company.

I will hopefully have photos of christopher himself soon. I've been in touch with the photographer who took photos in the hospital. several mail mix-ups later, and we may have them in the fall.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Well, I made it - it's Monday, and I'm posting . . .

but it will be short. I'm tired, and don't feel like talking - or thinking.

Things on the farm are great, this is the best summer I've had in years and years.

The kids and I got a dog, we've been looking for months for the 'perfect' dog to fit our family, and he's finally here. A rescue dog, we think he's 3-5 yrs old, sheltie/pom mix maybe?, we named him Toby, and he's absolutely wonderful!

Hubby says work sucks - lots of days they can't work because of rain, and no socializing allowed. Social butterfly that he is, finds it very hard to keep to himself.

I have fallen off the phoning/letter/keeping in touch wagon, which is very discouraging. Will try again. One day. Such a procrastinator!

I will work on posting photos for next week.