Sunday, September 19, 2021

More Dad moments

3.  I have set up an exercise program for my Dad. He is quite keen, even though he doesn't grasp it yet. He gets points for doing exercises and going for walks, and the points translate into kilometers on the Dewdney trail in B.C. I printed out a map and we are tracking our progress. He is so cute .... I came up with 1 point per thing but I see that he is giving himself 4 points. He gives himself extra points for his longer walk. My Mom is starting to join in but he is so competitive that she has to fudge her points so he stays ahead. It's really good that they are doing this though since they stopped doing it this spring and my Dad lost a lot of strength.

4. I've got Dad back into his stamp collecting hobby. I thought that I would just be sorting his stuff and finding the valuable ones but he sat me down and started teaching me all about it. It's actually fascinating and he is so happy that someone is interested in it. He had to stop years ago because of his cognitive issues. I have even asked his relatives to start sending stamps in the mail to him if they get any, and some of his grandchildren might be getting involved.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Heartstring Moments

 I'm going to keep a running list of moments with my Dad that tug at my heart strings. I've never really spent much time with him until now that he is failing and needs the extra care.

1. He faithfully watches his Sunday morning local church on zoom, during these covid days. He has his weekly shower, dresses up and he sings along during the hymns - sort of a cross between a hum and a mumble. It always makes me teary to hear him. He seems to know most of them even though he falls asleep for part of it. It has always amazed me that he got into church (he became involved with it after I left home I think. Was a Sunday school teacher and was on the parish council.) He once said that many scientists believe in God since there are so many inexplicable wonderous things in the world that can't be explained by anything else. 

2. He is quite confused at night. Tonight I was settling him in front of the TV and asked him what he wanted to watch. He sort of stared at the TV for a moment, then said "I don't remember her name ..... that lady ....... " I guessed "Judy? Judy is your wife." He said "Yes. Judy. She likes ...... westerns." So he watched a western.