Sunday, March 6, 2011


I am going to commit to writing every week until the summer. (Wish me luck) I already am trying to phone one friend once a week. have done once a month so far. But a commitment is different than trying. So I'll commit to that too. (Wish me more luck!)

I have been feeling very lonely lately. Hubby has gone north to work, and we don't talk much - bad connections and timing. I used to have a job or my little busy children to keep me occupied, and was never lonely. But with older independent kidlets, and only some part-time work, I have a lot of time to feel lonely now.

And because I'm used to thinking like a victim, accepting what happens and waiting for someone to fix things, I havn't done too much about it. Except complain. And feel sorry for myself because I havn't done anything with my life. But I've been reading some blogs, and I'm inspired to try again.

I will be working on making connections with people again. Never one of my strong suits. I've only had one friend at a time since I was a toddler. Which worked great for me as long as that friend spent a lot of time with me!

So - weekly postings. Weekly phonecalls.

Then I'll work on connections to actual live people in my town. LOL.