Friday, May 11, 2012


I finally have a minute to sit and think. it has been awhile. I was sick for 5 weeks, finally recovering. That is the hazard of going in cold to a room with 16 preschoolers - every germ and bacteria finds the one person not used to them all!

I have yet to get out to the garden, but we have grown seedlings at preschool - some of which i get to plant in the garden in a few weeks. I also have to remove a LARGE pile of branches, dig half a garden plot of dirt into another plot, mix both with a load of new dirt, fix the fence, build a sand box, and then plant something.

small boy and middle girl are playing soccer now. yesterday it snowed at the start of practice. its probably good i haven't planted anything yet! frost last night, too.

I am confused these days - how do you interpret fate, or the universe, or the 'signs'. I have my daycare ready to go, but i was getting stressed because i was unsure i could do it well. Then i was offered 2 jobs - both of which were amazingly wonderful opportunities. Yet i am clinging to this daycare. I have always been given what i need by the universe, just when i need it. so are these jobs my 'out' from a situation which is not good? or is my daycare what i should be doing? hmmmmmm. am i being stubborn and clinging to the familiar, afraid to push myself? or am i making a wise decision that means i can be home for my family? hmmmmmmm. too many pros and cons to each. i feel like that cartoon where he says "give me a sign", then disregards them all. i hope there are redo's . . .